2. QuickStart

2.1. 特性

  • api简洁,开箱即用
  • 增强接管datetime

bold and italics

  • Some.
  • Thing.
  • Different.

2.1.1. H1 – Top of Page Header

There should only be one of these per page and this will also – when converting to pdf – be used for the chapters.

2.2. H3 – Subsection


Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
body row 1 column 2 column 3
body row 2 Cells may span columns.
body row 3 Cells may span rows.
  • Cells
  • contain
  • blocks.
body row 4


Inputs Output
A B A or B
False False False
True False True
False True True
True True True

Docs for this project

Here is something I want to talk about:

def my_fn(foo, bar=True):
    """A really useful function.

    Returns None

This is inline if __name__ == '__main__':

I really like the threading module which has the threading.Thread class.

Here is a link time.time().

Typical result

A paragraph containing only two colons indicates that the following indented or quoted text is a literal block.

Whitespace, newlines, blank lines, and
all kinds of markup (like *this* or
\this) is preserved by literal blocks.

The paragraph containing only '::'
will be omitted from the result.

The :: may be tacked onto the very end of any paragraph. The :: will be omitted if it is preceded by whitespace. The :: will be converted to a single colon if preceded by text, like this:

It's very convenient to use this form.

External hyperlinks, like Python.

Internal crossreferences, like example.

This is an example crossreference target.


Beware killer rabbits!
